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The RMHS wrestling team participates in several fundraisers throughout the year. We've provided information on a couple of our biggest and most important fundraisers here. 

Arizona Tax Credits

BILT Foundation

Arizona law provides a tax credit for Qualified Charitable Organizations for off season camps. You can fund a wrestler (or more) and possibly lower your State tax bill by making a donation ($841 for Couples Filing Jointly and $421 for Individuals) for the Colorado summer trip. 

Learn more about making an BILT donation by using the buttons below. 

ECA Donation

Arizona law provides a tax credit for contributions to public schools to support extracurricular activities or character education. You can help the Red Mountain High School Wrestling team and possibly lower your State tax bill by making a donation ($400 for Couples Filing Jointly and $200 for Individuals).

Learn more about making an ECA donation by using the button below. 

Both of the state tax credits are available to ALL qualifying individual Arizona state taxpayers. You do not need to have a child enrolled in a school to take advantage of these state tax credits. You can even do both at their maximum amounts! It is always best to consult a tax adviser to see if you qualify for the dollar-for-dollar credit. A tax credit is different from a deduction, because you may subtract the whole contribution from your Arizona state tax bill.

Please note: To be eligible for a state tax credit for 2023, your contribution must be received or postmarked by mid April 2024. 

© 2019 by Red Mountain High School Wrestling

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